Tuesday, October 20, 2020

POLITICS :: It's getting to be a lot like an election...

This is a year like no other in the history of the world.

We are seeing the effects of privately-owned sites on our ability to share conversations and information on the Internet. The ideology wars are showing us what the future will become.  

Where is the meaning of "Freedom" now?

How do we apply our FREEDOM to a global Internet?

I'm not sure any of us know.

What laws will govern the Internet?  Crimes seem to force us to make new laws.  The Internet will force us to make new laws governing what is acceptable and what is not.  Until that happens, we are left with all this confusion and chaos.

Personally, I really don't know what is happening in the rest of the world.  My only information source is usually the Yahoo feed after I check my email. I try to find internet options sometimes, but they are becoming hard to find for current access.  YouTube seems to offer options with the major news channels, but they are replays and not always something I remember to look for.

This is how we live.  Everyone is so busy with their own survival, all those "other" details get lost.  We suffer for it in the long run, but I haven't figured out how one person can keep up with EVERYTHING happening in the world, in our country, in our states, in my neighborhood.

The Bible tells us that the love of many will grow cold in the End Times... I think information overload is going to cause it.  It is the human brain's safety valve... it goes into a numb state and feelings get put into a kind of dormant state.

What can we do?

I am not sure.

I am sometimes happier and more productive not knowing what is happening to all the stars that seem to be the Yahoo feed when I access it by an automatic link after checking my emails.  Once in awhile I remember the list at the top of the page and try another category.  It isn't much different.

I keep realizing there won't be a choice soon.  The information ordinary people depend on is already filtered for "appropriate" content by the owners of the major media sources.  This is really the basis of "propaganda" in any war... we only are allowed to think the "approved" thoughts of the powers that be.  Freedom is quickly disappearing.

Today is the day to watch the American Family documentary, IN HIS IMAGE, for free.  ( https://inhisimage.movie/ ) 

I did that already, and posted my responses at Twitter and Facebook (Main page and my WT page).  It is a very hard topic to watch.  There are things in this documentary I had no idea were happening -- because of my lack of news access most of the time.  It is so difficult to see.

One thing that is obvious is the promotion of faith deceptions.  These are concepts that the opposition to all things GOD want you to believe.  The Enemy of our souls uses these ideas to try to discount GOD, to say they are included in all the Bible claims, and if they say it often enough, loud enough, clearly and as if it is true, then it will be true.

These are statements about being a "gay Christian," that there were gay lovers in the Bible - in the disciples, and close to Christ (maybe even Christ - I remember statements long ago about "the disciple that Jesus loved"), that GOD loves us just the way we are - including our sins - so there is no need to change, that we are born with a "gay gene" so it's out of our power to choose, and more.  I can't remember them all.  Well, one that is really strange is a person (male or female?) declaring that the story about Sodom is a good gay story.  Oh, yes, there was mention that the gay community has created their own version of the Bible. I think it was called the "Queen James Bible."  

I don't recall Christians doing these things to gay populations.  Is this their version of respect?

One thing they have against us is the church that use to protest the gay community with signs saying GOD HATES FAGS... this isn't true, but that is what they did.  Really, GOD hates sin... any kind of sin... gay relationships, adulterous relationships, fornication (sex outside of marriage), bestiality, sexual abuse, rape, pornography, and whatever other kind of sexual relationship you can think of that is outside the lifetime bond of marriage between one real man and one real woman.

Why you can't be a "gay Christian" -- because when you are truly saved, when you really believe that Jesus Christ sacrificed His Life for your sin offering, then you turn away from your sins... and the obvious ones go first.

This is the issue of our times because it is part of the End Time prophecies. It means we are nearing the end of our existence as a world.  It is often the LAST step before GOD destroys those who will not turn away from it... like Sodom.  I think it is a great sorrow to GOD to finally have to judge our sins... and that is why He takes so long to do it.

For us, this is a political battle.  I don't know what it means to live through a time like this.  I grew up in the area around Hollywood.  It has taken almost 70 years to reach this point.

Knowing what the Bible says about the end of our world, finding a way to get through it is every Christian's quest.  Like Noah and his family, I think we need to separate ourselves and try to build our own communities where we can care for each other. That is a hard goal in our day, too.  We are increasingly watched by so many sources... in our daily lives and as we do business via the Internet.  How separate can we become anymore?  That's a big question.

I guess that is enough sharing of my thoughts for today.  I hope your lives are good, that you are able to be free, and you are not suffering.

In Christ,

Deborah Martin


and more...

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